3 Mole Removal Treatments You Need to Know
![3 Mole Removal Treatments You Need to Know](https://www.advanceclinic.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Mole-Removal.jpg)
The exponential growth of social media over the years have revolutionised beauty standards across the globe. Delusive ideas on having pristine skin are a crucial part of the impractical beauty standards set by social media platforms. Amongst all other skin irregularities such as acne, dark circles, blemishes, moles are some of the oddities that everyone wishes to get rid of.
Let us highlight a few must-know pointers on moles to help you understand your moles better.
What are moles?
The dark protruding spot on your skin is caused due to excessive accumulation of the skin pigment, known as melanin is a mole. Most small moles are harmless whereas some large moles are not only unattractive but may at times carry the risk of skin cancer. Moles can be seen in multiple colours, size, and shapes and is considered to symbolise beauty, especially in females. Sunlight is believed to have an adverse effect in the darkening of moles too.
Types of moles:
To treat a mole, you need to know about the type of mole you are dealing with. Medical science has categorised moles into the below- mentioned types-
- Atypical or dysplastic moles: These moles are mostly shapeless and can be seen in different colours. They can either be flat or upstretched from your skin. Also, these moles have a low chance of becoming cancerous.
- Benign nevi: These are the commonly seen types of moles in black, brown, blue or redthat does not generally have any chance of causing skin cancer.
- Congenital nevi: Such moles exist during birth or develop soon after a child is born. The presence of multiple congenital navi indicates a slightly higher risk of skin cancer later. Consulting a dermatologist to keep the moles in check is a mandate.
Moles as we know are removed both for aesthetic and medical purposes. The moles that are large sometimes develop dark hairs which make them visually more unpleasant and must therefore be removed at the earliest. Empirically, the occurrence of moles lessens after the age of 20. If there are more than 50 moles on a person’s body, extra care should be taken to prevent any danger.
Let us now talk about the dermatologically used treatments to get rid of moles:
- Excision: It involves removing cutting the mole off the skin. The incision is thereafter closed by surgery showing visible results in a few weeks. The positive side of this method is, your skin will be free from any scar lines.
- Round excision: Also called shave excision, this method is used to remove moles that are less than 1mm in size. Since the moles are tiny, they can easily be removed with a punch or a blade.
- Laser treatment:Dermatologists generally recommend laser treatment to people who have shallow moles or people with fair skin. It is a precise process done by combining high and low- intensity lasers to eradicate the mole and correct the pigmentation damage. Older the mole, longer the treatment as compared to a new and shallow mole. Erbium-YAG laser technology is the latest innovation preferred by most
Dermatologists these days.
Summarising, it needs to be kept in mind that despite surgery, there is always a minor chance of a mole growing back and the occurrence cannot be predicted. The residue of some mole cells can lead to the growth of a fresh mole in the same area.