“Keloids are cosmetic scars, more than health complexity…”
Advance Clinic experts says: there’s nothing to fear, keloids are harmless smooth, hard, benign growths or lump. They are formed due to excessive growth of scar tissues.
Regions where Keloids are commonly found:
- Chest
- Shoulders
- Earlobes
- Cheeks
Keloids can be deposited in any part of the body; but they are always benignant and safe. Keloids appear larger in size, compared to the actual wound.
Symptoms you need Keloids Treatment:
- Sudden growth of lump or scar like marks in body
- The color of the marks appear fleshy or red or pink at the beginning stage
- The region where keloids are formed is often raised area in your skin, with ridged expanse
- The area keeps on expanding with time; as scar tissues start to deposit
- The surface is often an itchy patch of raised skin
Critical Stage:
Though, they are harmless and painless; but they can be ugly in appearance. This may attract unwanted attention and embarrassment.
Thus, it’s a cosmetic problem largely, which needs treatment immediately. As they usually takes weeks or months to develop; but develops fast and expand faster sometimes.
Why Keloids Occur?
- Burns can lead to scar tissues, giving rise to keloids
- Acne Scars can also contribute to keloids growth
- Chicken pox scar marks can over time develop into a lump, often leading to keloid
- Ear piercing
- Surgical incision region
- Vaccination point in body
- Scratches or deep cuts
Why you need Keloids Treatment:
- Cosmetic scar
- Embarrassment due to unwanted attention
- Appears like a malignant tumor
- Itchy patch
- Irritation to skin surface
- Inflammation from clothing, friction, and other activities
- Pain due to unnecessary hit or injury
- Annoyance in sleep or movement
- Over time keloid may hardened to restrict your movement
Thus, keloids treatment is a hope to get rid of all problems for one and ever…
Book an appointment and know the procedure to keloids treatment from experts!