“Invest in Your Hair ~ it’s the crown you never take off”…
Advance Clinic with its hair & scalp analysis detects the causes of hair loss and gives hair solution accordingly.
Hair loss is nature’s process, men and women both are likely to experience hair fall. But, the normal hair loss is defined by trichologist as 100 strands of hair per day. If you experience abnormal hair loss, you need to visit hair experts at Advance Clinic at emergency condition.
Male are likely to experience more hair loss, due to male pattern baldness between age 25 years to 50 years of age. Hair loss becomes a concern, if it’s at rapid pace, thinning or fineness of hair and receding hair line is visible; you must try to opt for Advance Clinic, USFDA approved hair treatments & solution.
Mission Critical:
Causes of Hair loss are treatable, if they are detect early with different types of hair restoration.
The late it’s detected, the amount damage is high, and sometimes irreparable with hair restoration, and one may have to opt for surgical procedures like “Hair Transplant” and Non Surgical procedure like “Hair Replacement”.
Therefore, mission critical is to identify the cause of hair loss, and opt for apt hair loss treatment as well as medication.
21 Causes of Hair Loss in Male & Female:
Physical & Mental Stress occurring from any illness, trauma, accident, job loss can lead to temporary hair loss like Telogen effluvium
Pregnancy can cause hair loss due to hormonal imbalance, physical stress, and mental anxiety
Excessive intake of Vitamin ‘A’ can lead to hair fall; however it’s a reversible hair loss
Low Protein in body can be a prime reason for hair loss, in individual’s
Male Pattern Baldness is common reason for hair loss, however, if it impacts before age of 21 or between 21 to 25 years; you need immediate medical intervention
Heredity or androgenetic alopecia affects both men and women causing hair fall
Female Hormonal imbalance due to birth control pills or contraceptives are sometimes responsible for triggering thinning of hairs
Emotional Stress, a less likely but common reason of hair fall; often attack during heart break, divorce & treatment of ailing parent
Anemia can also lead to hair loss, but it’s easily treatable deficiency and hair loss problem
Hypothyroidism can make your hair coarse and easily breakable
Vitamin B Deficiency can trigger hair loss, but it’s easily restorable
Auto-immune attack can also set in hair loss in many individual’s
Lupus an auto-immune disease, where the cells attack the hairs, and is an emergency condition for hair loss treatment
Abnormal Weight Loss can also trigger hair loss due to physical stress and hormonal or glandular imbalance
Chemotherapy or radiations can destroy rapidly dividing cells; so even hairs fall out
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome can bring an abnormality of thinning hair; in women
Antidepressants and blood thinners or other allied drugs may lead to hair loss, fineness or thinning of hair at rapid pace
Over styling like chemical relaxers, straightening of hairs, chemical treatment, heat therapy, hot-oil therapies, hair weaves, corn rows, & tight braids can lead to aggressive hair loss
Trichotillomania is a disorder, where people pull out their hairs aggressively, leading to significant hair loss
Aging is another factor, leading to hair loss; aging sets in different people at different age
Anabolic Steroids to build muscles can lead to hair fall at alarming rate
Advance Clinic determines these 21 as significant causes of hair loss in human. Apart from that lack of sleep, diet, and lifestyles can adversely affect our healthy hairs.
The need of time is to opt for hair restoration, after detection of the real reason for hair loss.