Love And Hate Relationship Between Stress And Hair Loss
One day you wake up in the morning and notice hair shedding all over the place. And when the process continues for a few days or weeks, the reason for the shedding must be known as it might give you some warning as to how you can slow it down or stop it. If you look back now there hasn’t been any illness or any health problems that would have caused it. So, it starts becoming quite evident to look for causes like things that might be pertaining to psychological aspect or stress driven component. In metropolitan cities to match up the pace of fast life people are suffering from stress related disorders, which has resulted into hair loss problem.
Hair loss caused by stress can affect both men and women similarly and they keep losing their hair for quite a long time due to a disturbing event or an unpleasant experience in their life. The reason for stress can range variable like work load at office, hard hitting competition, academic pressure among students, relationship problems, family problems, etc. However, you can diminish the stress level to certain amount by reducing the physical activities with the help of some stress comforting procedures. Those who work in tremendously demanding conditions or the individuals who are deeply affected by the uncertainty of daily life, it is better to consult an expert doctor.
Another factor that is caused during the stressful period is that people stop taking good care of themselves. Due to mood swings they skip meals and proper intake of diet can lead to nutrition and protein deficiency. The digestion and absorption of food may also get affected thus leading to massive hair loss. Moreover, stress makes us more vulnerable to the illness and other problems like, high fever or stomach infections, which can add extra stress that result into leading a growing hair prematurely into the falling stage. You may experience the affect after a few months of the illness or high stress period.
Other than taking care of a diet the important step a physician will recommend is to take out some time for a regular exercise every day. It will let your body to recuperate from the highly stressful situation and maintain it more effectively. There are various forms of breathing and stretching exercises you can perform, which will assist in times of stress. On the whole remembering to take deep breaths can diminish the level of stress you feel. If in case you notice that all the measures taken does not improve your condition and you are still feeling highly stressed, which is leading to high amount of hair fall, then you need to consult a hair loss treatment clinic.
So basically the major thing to demolish with stress related hair loss is to keep your life a bit relaxed as possible. This might seem like an impossible task, but it is much more attainable than you may think with the regular mediation everyday. There is plenty of meditation audio and video available, which you can download and listen to while you are working at the office and before you go to bed. It will definitely offer a solace to you. The most important to do is make sure you don’t overload yourself with work at the office. Handling too many tasks between work and your home and juggling it can be daunting that can cause an excess of stress. Do not burden your life with extra work that might take a toll.
Therefore, baldness caused by stress is treatable with the procedure called hair transplant. The non surgical hair replacement is available for those who do not prefer to undergo any kind of surgery for hair replacement. It is the most reliable treatment and effective way to get back those lost hair.