Weight Loss Treatment: Smart Weight-Loss Goals
In today’s world where people have become more exposed to diseases, being health conscious is crucial for survival. Most studies show that obesity is one of the prime reasons for diseases. Therefore, I have jotted a few major reasons for weight gain that might help you.
- Your genes play a crucial role in determining your body weight. 90% of obesity cases are hereditary.
- Binge-eating is another reason for weight gain. Binge-eating high-fat and sugar diet at odd hours should be kept in check. Also, you must keep a check on your carbohydrate intake as an excess of carbohydrates leads to an increase in sugar level. This excess of insulin leads to weight gain.
- Lack of proper physical activity is one of the major reasons for weight gain. It is necessary to contribute at least half an hour of your daily routine to any form of physical exercise.
- Hypothyroidism, PCOS, Insulin resistance and a few other diseases contribute to weight gain. At the same time, psychological pressure influences our food consuming habit that also leads to weight gain. However, medications such as anti-depressants, contraceptive pills etc. also lead to abnormal weight gain and should strictly be taken post-consultation with your doctor.
- Junk food is another important cause of weight gain and the intake of the same should be kept in check.
Weight Loss Treatments
If you are over 16 to 18 years of age, troubled with obesity, listed below are some of the widely preferred weight loss treatments that might help you. Nonetheless, doctor consultation is essential before you undergo any treatment.
- i-Lipo Treatment: It is a non-surgical procedure to remove fat and shape your body. The procedure is safe and pain-free and is suitable for all skin types. This process is done by placing laser pads on areas where you need to reduce fat such as your chin, abdomen, thighs, etc. Since i-Lipo is a non-invasive process, you can resume your normal activities in about half an hour without any fear of any side effects.
- Cool Sculpting: Also known as cryolipolysis, cool sculpting is also a non-surgical procedure that is done to contour your body using a device to freeze the fat cells under your skin. After the fat cells are destroyed and broken down, the liver removes them for your body.
- Multipolar RF: Multipolar radiofrequency is also a non-invasive process done specifically for skin tightening. When electrical energy is penetrated through the fatty tissue in your skin, it gets converted to heat energy that heats the targeted area increasing the metabolism of the fat cells and tightening of the skin leading to breaking of the fat deposits.
- Ultrasonic Cavitation: As the name suggests, this cosmetic procedure involves using ultrasound technology to break fat cells apart. Once the cells are broken apart, the fat deposits are drained out in the form of waste from the body
- Electro-Lipolysis: Electro-Lipolysis is amongst the latest and most effective procedures to reduce body fat from parts of your body. It also helps reduce cellulite.
- Thermo Lipolysis: This process is done by using long and short infra-red rays that penetrate the fat tissues under the skin increasing metabolism and calorie-burning process. This tightens the skin and improves overall appearance.
- Ayurvedic Traditional Massage: Ayurvedic massage is done by massaging and kneading in non-traditional strokes as per your body’s need using specific essential oils.